News 14/09/2023 Carbon capture & storage - A way to reduce greenhouse gases in industry

Storing carbon dioxide (CO2) underground in an environmentally friendly and permanent way

How can we stop global warming?

How can the various climate agreements and climate targets of countries and governments be adhered to and ultimately achieved?

How can carbon capture and storage technology contribute to achieving the climate targets set worldwide?

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is part of the plan to achieve these ambitious goals. An approach that is particularly suitable for the emissions-intensive process industry.


GOETZE is your partner in safety here too.

Our safety valves are involved in all steps from capture to injection of the CO2 into the underground reservoirs. The processes required for this run under overpressure. In the event of failure of controls and regulators, which are responsible, for example, for filling levels, temperatures and, in particular, internal overpressure, the containers and apparatus must be protected by mechanically operating overpressure protection.

Discover what is behind the abbreviation CCS and read our detailed application report